#InvestInMeCT is a campaign that seeks to reduce the number of system-involved youth by addressing the root causes of youth criminalization.
The goal of the #InvestInMeCT campaign is to build opportunity-rich communities where all youth and families can access the resources they need to succeed. By urging decision-makers to support in the futures of our state’s youth by investing in success instead of arrests we seek to end the criminalization of youth.

Why Investment?
Through hosting community conversations, AKA vision sessions, the Justice Advisors were able to identify 7 inequities and injustices commonly experienced by system-impacted youth and communities.
Economic Insecurity
Housing Insecurity
Trauma within Communities
Lack of Trust in a System that Displays Abuses of Authority
A need for More Positive Influences and Credible Messengers
Lack of Hope
Need for Equal Opportunities
Referred to as the 7 Themes of System Change, these root causes of youth criminalization reveal a stark reality most common in traditionally underserved communities and communities of color. These inequities mean communities of color and communities impacted by poverty do not get the same opportunities to thrive as wealthier, predominantly white communities.
We realized that addressing the 7 Themes requires investment – of money, but also of time and care, into communities that have long been left out and left behind.

Addressing the Seven Themes
We developed the #InvestInMeCT campaign to tackle the root causes of justice system involvement by working to identify solutions that directly address the 7 Themes. To identify solutions to the 7 Themes, our Justice Advisors continued hosting vision sessions with system-impacted youth, families, and community members.
We examine these conversations in our annual reports.
Do you believe all Connecticut youth deserve an equal opportunity to live safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives? If so, join us.
#InvestInMeCT Campaign Revisited
Watch the video below to check out our 2021 relaunch week of events.